Subject: Re: Railroads in T P (was: Leland trapped in the '40s, again) From: (Paul Raveling) Date: 1990-11-05, 17:15 Newsgroups: In article <>, (Joseph Brennan) writes: > > As to railroad clues: The Great Northern Hotel appears to be named for > > the Great Northern Railway, main line Minneapolis to Seattle, the most > > northerly of the USA transcontinentals. Mythical Twin Peaks, near the > > Canadian border, could plausibly have been a stopover point on the GN. The Great Northern mainline runs about due east from Spokane, as does the Northern Pacific. However the GN has (or at least had) a couple spurs in that area, and one ended pretty close to the given site of Twin Peaks. BTW, the Great Northern mainline takes a northern route across Washington, going north from Seattle and turning east at Everett to cross the Cascades. The Northern Pacific mainline runs east from Seattle, then takes a loop around the south side of the state, turning north at the Tri-Cities for the run to Spokane. I don't recall for sure, but the part just east of Spokane may be one of those stretches where these Twin Pikes run side-by-side. > > The railroad car may even be a GN coach (or baggage car, from the open > > interior). I didn't catch a name on it. The derelict car is > > apparently part of a tourist steam line between Snoqualmie and North > > Bend, where the other locations are shot, and they may have some old > > GN equipment even though the actual line was I think Milwaukee Road. Last spring Scott Frost confirmed my suspicion about the identity of this old rolling stock. The trouble is I no longer remember whether my suspicion was that it belonged to the Great Northern or the Northern Pacific. As another minor footnote, my wife and I are about to become docents at the California State Railroad Museum. One of the cars in the museum that our training has emphasized is RPO (Railway Post Office) car #42, which ran on the Empire Builder. In passenger service the Empire Builder was Great Northern's greatest. ------------------ Paul Raveling