Subject: Re: Cooper and Horne, Catherine From: (Michael L. Kaufman) Date: 1990-11-06, 18:20 Newsgroups: In article <114030018@hpcuhd.HP.COM> grega@hpcuhd.HP.COM (Number 6) writes: > > (Michael L. Kaufman): >> >>Is it my imagination, or did Coopers conversation with Horne include the >> >>following? Cooper called Renualt John and then Horne called him Jean. > >"Jean" IS "John", en francais, of course! I know this. The point is that I don't go around interchanging Jean, John, Ian, and Ivan just because they happen to be the same names. If Cooper was testing Horne this is a trick he might pull. Michael =============================================================================== Michael L. Kaufman \\ "I painted her with tar and touched her off and watched \\ her blaze away...How love's old embers burn!" D Marquis ===============================================================================