Subject: Re: New Twin Peaks book From: (Cisco's Buddy) Date: 1990-11-07, 22:45 Newsgroups: In article , (Emerick Rogul) writes... } I saw a new paperback book *about* Twin Peaks in my local bookstore } yesterday. It has a disclaimer on the cover that it is written without } the authority of Lynch/Frost. It's basically information about Lynch } and Frost, the series (up to and including the second season opener), } character biographies, etc. [...] It seems to be a fairly good primer } for people who may be just starting to watch the show, but contained } nothing which I found to be new or startling. Of course, the punchline } is that I immediately forgot the name of the book when I left the store. Let me go out on a limb and suggest that it's published by Pioneer Books. They've done a number of these type of books, including ones on BEAUTY AND THE BEST, WISEGUY, DARK SHADOWS, LOST IN SPACE, and DICK TRACY. And all of them are absolutely appalling. -- "Good thing you guys can't keep a secret." --- jayembee (Jerry Boyajian, DEC, "The Mill", Maynard, MA) UUCP: ...!decwrl!!boyajian ARPA: boyajian%ruby.DEC@DECWRL.DEC.COM