Subject: Twin Peaks Timeline of Events From: (Cisco's Buddy) Date: 1990-11-07, 22:20 Newsgroups: In article <31570010@hpsmpk.HP.COM>, collier@hpsmpk.HP.COM (Mark Collier) writes... } I've been aware that each episode of Twin Peaks basically covers the } events of one day. Hill Street Blues (which Mark Frost had a hand in) } followed the same principle. Have there been any exceptions in Twin } Peaks so far? Could someone post a list of episodes which shows what } major events occurred on what days? I suppose I might as well re-post my Timeline, it having been a few months since I last did so. It, however, only covers the First Season. I haven't had time to take the notes on the Second Season episodes. **************************************************************************** Introduction for TP "first-timers" Back during the first run of TP in the spring, there were many arguments here concerning the chronology of events -- what happened when in relation to what else? And so, I was inspired to create this timeline, which puts all events shown or referred to in their proper chronological sequence. I posted a few versions of this Timeline, adding to it as each episode revealed new information. I stopped a couple of episodes short of the entire first run, mainly due to shortage of time, but also because the ending of the season made a final update seem less compelling. I decided to refrain from posting it during the summer reruns so as not to spoil things for the First-Timers. Here is the final update through the end of the First Season. I've also noted items from the audio tape "DIANE..." THE TWIN PEAKS TAPE OF AGENT COOPER, which include reports, with timestamps, not mentioned on the show itself. Any time notations taken from this tape rather than any of the televised episodes are flagged with an asterisk. Notes indicate where such entries may conflict with the episodes. I have decided against entering items from THE SECRET DIARY OF LAURA PALMER, which conflicts much more than the "DIANE..." does. Whether I will continue this during the Second Season remains to be seen. I will most likely do so after the Season Premiere, but after that...? **************************************************************************** DANGER! DANGER! WILL ROBINSON There are entries from "DIANE..." that cover the morning after the First Season Finale. Some of these may be considered spoilers, so be warned. **************************************************************************** Note 1: The series is set in February/March of 1989, so all dates are assumed to be for that year unless otherwise specified. THE SECRET DIARY OF LAURA PALMER, it should be noted, moves events up a year to 1990. Note 2: The show seems to be relatively consistent in advancing one day with each episode. There are a couple of minor exceptions in which an episode starts off where the previous one left off before going on to the next day. The major exception is the final episode, which in its entirety takes place on the same night as the previous one. Note 3: Parenthetical comments, such as "Harry to Cooper" following day or time notations indicate how the time of the event was determined. The notation "Cooper to Diane" is intended to mean his dictations into his tape recorder. Lengthier notes of how the time was determined follow the entry. **************************************************************************** 1983 ("Six years ago" - Truman to Cooper) -- Andrew Packard brings Josie over from Hong Kong to be his wife. August 1987 (approximately) -- Andrew Packard dies, supposedly in a boating accident. Truman first tells Cooper that Packard died "last year", which would have been 1988, but later tells him that it happened "a year-and-a-half ago". This latter is more probably correct, given the following... -- Hank Jennings "accidently" kills an unnamed vagrant, is convicted of vehicular manslaughter, and sent to jail. (He's said to have spent 18 months in jail.) 08 Feb 1988 -- Teresa Banks murdered in southwest corner of Washington state. -- Leo Johnson incarcerated in Hungry Horse, Montana on assault charges. 05 Feb 1989 (Sunday) or 06 Feb (Monday) -- "Day One" (entry in Laura's diary). Day One of what? Laura and James' relationship is my guess. During Cooper's questioning of James, he asked what happened on 2/5, and James flashed back on the time he gave Laura the locket. On the other hand, when Cooper is looking at this page in the diary, the date at the top of the page says February 6. Cooper did say to Diane that he had flipped back 18 days to "Day One". That could be 18 days from 2/23 (the last entry in the diary), yielding the 5th, or from 2/24 (the day he was looking at it), yielding the 6th. 12 Feb (Sunday) -- The picnic (James told Cooper that it was "two Sundays ago"). 23 Feb (Thursday) 05:00 PM (Josie to Cooper and Truman) -- Laura arrives at Josie Packard's for Josie's English lessons. Josie says that Laura left an hour later. Sometime after dinner -- Last entry in Laura's diary: "Nervous about meeting J. tonight." (After dinner because she remarks about having asparagus for dinner again.) 09:00-9:30 -- Laura returns home from Bobby's house. (Sarah Palmer tells Truman that she last saw Laura when she got home about 9:00. Bobby answers yes when Cooper asks him, "She was studying at your house until about 9:30. Isn't that right?") 09:30 -- Laura snuck out of her house (James to Cooper). 12:30 -- Laura jumps off James' bike and runs off (James to Cooper). 12:00-04:00 (AM) -- Estimated time of Laura's death according to the preliminary autopsy. 01:00 (approx) (Cooper to others) -- Leo, Laura, Jacques, and Ronnette arrive at Jacques' cabin for fun and games. 24 Feb (Friday) [Episode #0 (pilot) - 4/8,8/5] "Just after dawn" (Harry to Bobby) -- Pete Martell finds Laura's body. -- Ben and Leland have meeting with Norwegians. -- Bobby takes Shelly home, then goes to school and is arrested. Before 8:00 [Cooper was put on the case prior to this time] -- Ronnette announced as missing, then found wandering along tracks. * 08:00 (Cooper to Diane) * -- Cooper gets case to investigate in Twin Peaks * 09:00 (Cooper to Diane) * -- Cooper boards plane in Seattle -- Nadine sends Big Ed off to get the drapes ("They said those drapes would be ready by 10.") * 10:15-10:30 (Cooper to Diane) * -- Cooper lands in Spokane, picks up car at FBI branch. 11:30 (Cooper to Diane) -- Cooper enters Twin Peaks. Noon/early afternoon -- Cooper & Truman check on Ronnette, then Laura. ["DIANE..." says Cooper meets Truman at 3:10 PM, which seems awfully late, since he arrived in Twin Peaks at 11:30. What did he do in the meantime?] -- Cooper & Truman look through Laura's diary. -- Andy and team find the train car. -- Cooper & Truman question Bobby, then Donna. 04:00 (approx) -- "The Norwegians are leaving!" (one of Ben's employees tells concierge that Ben would be back at 4:00 for the final signing of the deal with the Norwegians, and Ben arrives as the Norwegians are leaving) 04:10 (Cooper to Diane) -- Cooper & Truman at the train car. * 09:00 (approx) (Cooper to Diane, reports on event after the fact at 9:30) -- Town meeting where Cooper addresses the community leaders. 09:30 (approx) -- Donna sneaks out to meet James at the Roadhouse. Big Ed to meet Norma there as well. Fight breaks out, Joey Paulsen takes Donna to meet James. J&D bury the locket. James is arrested. 12:28 AM (Cooper to Diane) -- Cooper knocks off for the night. Harry goes to see Josie. Locket is dug up by Person Unknown [who we discover later to be Dr. Jacoby] 25 Feb (Saturday) [Episode #1 - 4/12,8/11] 06:18 (Cooper to Diane) -- Cooper is up and goes to breakfast, where he meets Audrey. Early to mid-morning -- Cooper & Truman get autopsy results from Dr. Hayward. -- Shelly discovers Leo's shirt is soaked with blood just before going to work. -- Cooper & Truman question James. -- Mike & Bobby talk in jail cell (Leo called Mike "yesterday" and Bobby met with Leo "the night Laura died"). -- Cooper gets call from Albert, Harry & Ed discuss the "stakeout". * 11:00 (Cooper to Diane) -- James released into Ed's custody, Mike and Bobby released. * 11:17 (Cooper to Diane) -- "Just barely morning" (Pete to Josie) -- Cooper & Truman talk to Josie; Pete finds a fish in the percolator. -- Catherine & Ben have a rendezvous. Afternoon -- Donna visits Palmers and Sarah has vision of Killer Bob. Late afternoon/early evening (exterior shot is dark) -- Hawk questions Pulaskis, spots One-Armed Man. -- Bobby and Major Briggs have words over dinner * 07:00 (Cooper to Diane) -- Cooper & Truman encounter Log Lady at RR. -- Jenny's first day at One-Eyed Jack's [not shown, but mentioned later]. Later in evening -- Shelly gets home, gets beaten by Leo. -- James has dinner at Haywards'. -- Jacoby listens to tape from Laura, takes out the half of the locket buried by James & Donna. -- Bob Lydecker assaulted outside a bar in Lowtown, a section of Twin Peaks [not shown, but mentioned later]. Saturday Evening (continued) [Episode #2 - 4/19,8/18] -- Jerry Horne gets back from Paris. He and Ben go to One-Eyed Jack's. Midnight (clock at Haywards') -- James & Donna have their heart-to-heart. -- Hawk calls Cooper. -- Audrey slips note under Cooper's door. ["DIANE..." places this at approximately 11:30] -- Bobby & Mike meet with Leo in the woods. 26 Feb (Sunday) [still Episode #2] Morning -- Ed drops grease on Nadine's drape runners. Nadine's arms bend back. -- Cooper teaches Harry, Hawk, Andy, & Lucy about Tibet. -- Shelly turns off "Invitation to Love" (a soap opera on Sunday morning?!) and Bobby comes visiting. Late morning (after church) -- Haywards meet Audrey in the RR. Afternoon ("Are we going to have to stand here all afternoon?" Albert to Lucy) -- Albert and team arrive. Night -- Nadine ecstatic about her now-silent runners. -- Pete & Catherine talk. Pete sneaks safe key to Josie. -- Josie finds two ledgers in safe. -- Leland has breakdown to the strains of Glen Miller. * 01:18 (Cooper to Diane) -- Cooper retires and dreams of dancing dwarves and doppelgangers. 27 Feb (Monday) [Episode #3 - 4/26,8/25] 07:15 (Cooper to Diane) -- Cooper meets with Audrey over breakfast, then tells Harry & Lucy about his dream. Mid to late morning(?) -- Cousin Madeleine arrives. -- Norma is told of Hank's pending parole. -- Cooper & Truman talk to Leo. -- Bobby and father have words again. 12:27 (Cooper to Diane) -- Cooper & Truman leave for funeral after Albert's autopsy report. -- Ed & Nadine have quiet moment, James declines to go to funeral. -- Audrey checks on her family through a peephole. Early afternoon -- Laura's funeral. James and Bobby fight. Leland freaks out. Evening -- Shelly demonstrates Leland's coffin ride. -- Cooper meets the Bookhouse Boys, and they question Bernard Renault at the Bookhouse. -- Jacques calls Leo for help. -- Catherine eavesdrops on Josie & Harry. Josie shows Harry the safe, but one of the ledgers is missing -- Catherine has the other one. * 12:01 (Cooper to Diane) -- Cooper meets Jacoby at the cemetary, then meets Hawk at the Roadhouse. The two of them take a drunken Leland home. 28 Feb (Tuesday) [Episode #4 - 5/3,9/1] Morning -- Andy sketches Killer Bob from Sarah Palmer's description. Sarah then describes her vision of a someone digging up the necklace. -- Cooper questions Jacoby -- Hawk tracks down the One-Armed Man to Timber Falls Motel, where at the same time, Ben and Catherine are having a rendezvous. Josie is there, staking out B&C. -- Bernard Renault makes bail [not shown, but mentioned later]. * 01:00 (Cooper to Diane) -- Cooper and the boys arrive and question Philip Michael Gerard (the One-Armed Man). -- Audrey gets Donna to agree to help her solve the mystery of Laura's murder. -- Norma goes to husband Hank's parole meeting. -- Cooper and the boys visit the Lydecker Clinic and confiscate files. -- Bobby has rendezvous with Shelly, and she gives him Leo's bloody shirt. * 03:00 (Cooper to Diane) -- Cooper, Harry, Hawk, and Andy practice in the shooting range, work on Lydecker files, and get Albert's final report. Late afternoon/early evening -- James runs into Madeleine Ferguson at the RR diner. -- Norma gets a call from the prison -- Hank is being paroled. -- Ben talks to Jerry about some Icelanders, and then Audrey talks to Ben about learning the family business by starting work at the department store. -- A fax arrives from Albert with a reconstruction of the plastic piece found in Laura's stomach. Andy comes across the file on Waldo, a mynah bird belonging to Jacques Renault. The cops race to Jacques apartment. They find Leo's bloody shirt there, planted by Bobby. ["DIANE..." places this at 11:19 PM, which seems far too late.] Evening -- Ben meets Leo by the river and they make plans about setting fire to the Mill. Bernard Renault's body is lying on the ground; Leo confesses to killing him, and reports that frere Jacques is hiding out in Canada. -- James and Donna go to where they buried the necklace and find it missing. -- Pete chats with Josie, then retires. She gets call from Hank Jennings. 01 Mar (Wednesday) [Episode #5 - 5/10,9/8] 04:28 (Cooper to Diane) -- Cooper is woken up by singing Icelanders. Day (there's no convenient times of day mentioned to assign to events) -- Cooper meets Audrey in the hotel restaurant -- Ben & Jerry discuss the Sons of Odin. -- Coop meets Harry & Andy at Jacques Renault's place. The blood on Leo's shirt is determined to be blood-type AB-negative, which does not match Laura's, though it does match Jacques'. -- Bobby has breakfast at Shelly's; Andy comes looking for Leo; Leo calls. -- Norma drops by Big Ed's and they agree to cool their relationship for a while. -- Audrey has her job interview at daddy's store. -- James and Donna meet. -- Coop discovers Laura's ad in FLESH WORLD. -- Madeleine meets with James & Donna at the RR and agrees to help them. -- Hank, now out on parole, shows up at the RR to start work. -- The Briggs family goes to see Dr. Jacoby. -- Coop, Harry, Hawk, and Doc Hayward go hiking, and find the Log Lady's cabin. Coop interrogates the log. 04:00 (cuckoo clock) -- Coop, Harry, Hawk, and Doc find Jacques' cabin, and discover clues given to Coop in his dream. Evening -- Party at the Great Northern for the Icelanders. Ben & Catherine meet in private, Audrey eavesdrops. Leland Palmer freaks out to music. -- Madeleine calls Donna; she found a tape of Laura's. -- Back at the party, Ben surreptitiously meets with Josie. -- Leo gets home and is beat up on by Hank Jennings. Leo gets pissed at Shelly, who pulls out her gun and shoots Leo. * 01:00 (approx) (Cooper to Diane, at 03:00) -- Coop arrives back at his room at the Great Northern, only to find Audrey in his bed. Wednesday Night (continued) [Episode #6 - 5/17,9/8] -- Coop has a talk (and that's all) with Audrey. 02 Mar (Thursday) [still Episode #6] Morning -- Andy arrives at the station, and Lucy gets a call from a doctor. -- Cooper, Harry, and Doc Hayward are trying to get Waldo to speak. -- Hawk shows up with a forensics report on Jacques cabin, and says that Jacques is now working as a dealer at One-Eyed Jack's. * 01:00 (Cooper to Diane) -- Cooper dictates suspicions about Josie. Afternoon (presumably, as various of the teenagers are not in school) -- Leo spots Bobby arriving at his house to see Shelly. He then takes off when he hears on the police band radio about Waldo. -- Maddy, Donna, and James listen to the tape that Maddy found. They plot to get the missing tape (from the night Laura died) that they believe Jacoby has. -- Audrey and another girl, Jenny, are working the perfume counter at Horne's Department Store. Audrey hides in Battis' (the manager's) office to listen in on his conversation with Jenny concerning her sideline work at One-Eyed Jack's. -- At the Double-R Diner, Hank palms a lighter that a customer left behind (the significance of this we still don't know). Harry comes in with Cooper and warns Hank to keep clean. -- Nadine is home watching "Invitation to Love" and feeling miserable because the patent attorney she went to didn't like her drape runner idea. Big Ed comes in and comforts her, encouraging her to keep trying. -- Harry stops by at Josie's and asks about her being at the Timber Falls Motel on Tuesday. First she tries to deny it, but then tells him about Ben & Catherine and about overhearing Catherine's plan to burn the Mill. Evening (Cooper to Harry) -- Harry and Big Ed rendezvous with Cooper at the hotel. Harry tells Cooper about Josie's problem. Coop seems suspicious. Audrey shows up looking for Cooper just as they left. -- Mr. Neff, an insurance agent, shows up at Catherine's. Catherine finds her bogus ledgerbook missing. -- Audrey leaves a note for Cooper under his door, and notices an Asian man checking in a couple of doors down from Cooper. -- Leo shoots Waldo and drives off; but not before Waldo's last words are recorded on Cooper's voice-activated tape recorder. Cooper plays back the recording. * 09:00 (Cooper to Diane) -- Cooper & Ed show up at OEJ posing as "Fred & Barney" and meet Blackie. Ed craps, Cooper jacks. -- Maddy sneaks out of the Palmer house, though she is seen by Leland, to meet up with James and Donna. -- Ben sends Jerry off with the Icelanders to OEJ for a "signing party" for the Ghostwood deal. Ben calls Josie about Catherine. -- Audrey meets Blackie and is hired for a job at OEJ. -- Jacques relieves the previous dealer at the blackjack table where Cooper is playing. -- Dr. Jacoby is watching "Invitation to Love" on tv when he gets a call from "Laura". At the gazebo, where Maddy -- disguised as Laura -- is waiting with James & Donna, and Bobby Briggs is watching them, the whole tableux is being watched by a mysterious "heavy breather". -- Jacoby takes off to find out what's going on with "Laura" while James and Donna sneak into his office to search for the missing tape. Bobby has followed them there and sticks a bag of (presumably cocaine) in the gas tank of James' bike. Thursday Night (continued) [Episode #7 - 5/23,9/15] -- James and Donna find the tape, take off to pick up Maddy at gazebo. -- Jacoby watching "Laura" [Maddy], is attacked by a masked man, and has heart attack. -- Cooper chats with Jacques. -- Audrey prepares for her night at One-Eyed Jack's. * 11:00 (Cooper to Diane) -- Jacques and Cooper leave (separately) One-Eyed Jack's to rendezvous at water processing plant on Black Lake -- Leo grabs Shelly -- Police grab Jacques -- Doc Hayward gets called to attend Jacques at hospital. James, Donna, and Maddy listen to the tape. 03:15 (AM) (approx) [working backward from start of fire] -- Leo sets up fire to start in "about one hour". -- Nadine pops pills -- Hank lectures Josie on Oriental and jailbird philosophy. -- Pete and Catherine search for missing ledger. 04:00 (clock at Easter Park) -- The boys at the police station talk about Andy's marksmanship. -- Bobby, pretending to be Leo, calls station to rat on James. -- Coop and Harry grill Jacques. -- Doc tells them about Jacoby. -- Pete and Catherine still searching for ledger at home. Catherine gets call from Hank directing her to the Mill to find the ledger. -- Hank talks with Norma at Double-R. -- Big Ed finds Nadine, calls for ambulance. 04:10 (Lucy to Harry: "Leo Johnson called...about 10 minutes ago") -- James arrives at police station to talk to Harry -- Leland arrives at police station, Doc leaves for home. -- Cooper & Harry talk with James, who is then arrested for drug possession [Note: "DIANE..." has Cooper reporting at "past midnight" -- presumably not long after -- that Jacques is at the hospital, Jacoby had seen Laura "two hours ago", and James was arrested. This report is inconsistent with other timestamps.] -- Ben Horne and Einar Thorson closing Ghostwood deal at OEJ's. Hank calls Ben about eliminating Leo. -- Bobby, looking for Shelly at home, encounters Leo, who gets shot by Hank. 04:20 (clock face on bomb) -- Catherine finds Shelly at the Mill; fire starts. -- Leland smothers Jacques. -- Pete goes into burning shed to rescue Catherine. -- Ben and Einar finish signing the deal. Ben prepares to "try the New Girl". 04:37 (Cooper to Diane) -- Cooper arrives back at his hotel room. -- The wounded Leo is found by the police. -- Cooper is shot by Person Unknown. 03 Mar (Friday) [Episode #8 - 9/30 ???] [mentioned on "DIANE..."] * 05:00 (Cooper to Diane, in later report) -- Leo is checked into the hospital. Jacques is discovered to be dead. * 09:15 (Cooper to Diane) -- Cooper is pronounced A-OK -- if a bit sore -- by Doc Hayward -- "Good thing you guys can't keep a secret." --- jayembee (Jerry Boyajian, DEC, "The Mill", Maynard, MA) UUCP: ...!decwrl!!boyajian ARPA: boyajian%ruby.DEC@DECWRL.DEC.COM