Subject: Re: WKLP: Leland or Pete or ? From: (Robert Steven Glickstein) Date: 1990-11-08, 06:25 Newsgroups: Excerpts from 7-Nov-90 WKLP: Leland or Pete or ? Hardeep Johar@rnd.GBA.NY (2326) > > Every good mystery story must obey two rules: > > 1. The killer must be introduced at an early stage. Introducing the killer at > > a later stage is not cricket. > > 2. There should be enough clues in the early stages that point to the killer. > > They may not make sense when shown, but when all is revealed, all the early > > clues should make sense. I agree that these are, more or less, the "rules" for a proper mystery. However, who ever claimed that Twin Peaks is a proper mystery? If Twin Peaks winds up not obeying these rules, then it won't be a proper mystery, but it will be *something*. Perhaps we shouldn't be expecting TP to conform to classic mystery rules. Perhaps it was intended all along to be *something* else. After all, TP is supposed to be pushing the outside of the television envelope. It breaks all kinds of molds; why not the mold that we expect stories to fit into? ______________ _____________________________ Bob Glickstein | Internet: Information Technology Center | Bitnet: bobg%andrew@cmuccvma.bitnet Carnegie Mellon University | UUCP: ...!harvard!!bobg Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890 | (412) 268-6743 | Sinners can repent, but stupid is forever