Subject: Re: I agree. Spoiler. From: (Benjamin Banik) Date: 1990-11-10, 21:59 Newsgroups:, In article <>, writes: > > In article <>, (Kirk Breault) writes: >> > > In article <1990Nov6.230913.15159@portia.Stanford.EDU> jill@portia.Stanford.EDU (Jill Sporleder) writes: > > GONG! Now we know! Paper beats rock... > > and GONG takes BZZZT. > > Congratulations to the sages on Leland, now we'll have to wait for Cooper et al. > > to catch up. Au contraire mon frere! Leland did not kill Laura Palmer. Remember that all important quote that goes something like "Without chemicals he points"? I thought you would:-) Ben Horne walked in right before they cut away. Althoug I have not taped the show, I would almost bet that MIKE pointed to Ben. -Ben (Banik)