Subject: Re: BOBbing for answers From: (Jym Dyer) Date: 1990-11-15, 21:42 Newsgroups: > > I'd hate to lose this feeling of duality between the > > supernatural and the ordinary. It gives us a richer > > basis from which to draw up images. .-. |E|xactly. (The rest of your article was right on the money too!) `-' There are non-supernatural explanations for most of what's going on in _Twin_Peaks_. The rest works well as a mystery. .-. |N|o need for vampire owls from outerspace. Just a tad of extra- `-' sensory perception (just a tad, mind you) can explain it all. Well, everything but the Major's message. /F356/<_Jym_Dyer_>/B893/A972/F83/H25/N729/F387/G298/O37/X235/Q734/ /X243/K822/L262/B23/THE/OWLS/ARE/NOT/WHAT/THEY/SEEM/B383/L947/M84/ /M867/B586/K389/O98/AND/I/LIKE/WHALES/N37/B88/L867/P213/N297/B957/ /W482/