Subject: Re: Favorite quotes From: (News system owner ID) Date: 1990-11-15, 10:55 Newsgroups: Reply-to: ingria@BBN.COM In article <> writes: The correct form of Andy's sperm speech follows thus: The Tacoma sperm bank was looking for donors so of course I volunteered. It's my civic duty, and besides, I like whales. The doctors there told me I was sterile. Sure I thought that meant I didn't have to take a bath, but they told me the truth. They said I couldn't have babies. So what I want to know is, how come you're having one and with whom? Actually, it's: Listen to me, Lucy Moran, you just listen. When the Takoma Sperm Bank was looking for donors, naturally I applied. It's my civic duty and I like whales. A routine physical examination revealed that I'm sterile. Sure I thought it meant that I didn't have to take a bath, but the doctors told me the truth. They told me I can't have babies. So what I wanna know now is why are you having one and how? -30- Bob ``Is this real....or just some twisted dream?''