Subject: Re: Is Twin Peaks anti-woman? Are Twin Peaks fans? From: (Fred Zeats IV) Date: 1990-11-15, 12:41 Newsgroups: Reply-to: kreme@isis.UUCP (Fred Zeats IV) In article <> (Cisco's Buddy) writes: > >In article <>, (Michael L. Kaufman) writes... > > > >} I don't buy this whole thing. This all started when someone called Donna's > >} behavior slutty. Face it folks, she was acting slutty. She was not showing > >} a "healthy" or "positive" attitude toward sex, she wanted to do it on the > >} floor in the jail with James. This, by any reasonable definition, IMHO, is > >} considered slutty behavior. > > > >I disagree. If a man wants to screw anything that moves, people think its > >natural -- "He's just sowing his wild oats." Bullshit. Maybe among redneck wife-beating slugs it's OK, but not among re sonable people. Anywat, I think the whole problem here is that Donna had a serious personality shift that seemd to indicate she was feeling rather horny. This was in sharp contrast to her "normal" self. > >If a woman wants to screw anything that moves, she's considered a "slut". Screwing anything that moves is deffinitely deviant behavior, male or female. > >This is sexist. It's wrong. So she wants to do it on the floor with James? > >So what? So it was totally inappropriate for the situation, as well as for her character. > >} Just as, if James had made this suggestion to Donna we would call him > >} (oh, I don't know), an asshole. > > > >Yeah, but no one would think he was deviant because of it. Well, I would. I think most people would. If James walked up to Donna and said "Come on, I want to do it. Here." while Donna was sitting in a booth at the RR, I think most people would think that something was seriously screwy (forgive the pun). -- | |Growing up leads to growing old, and then to dying, and| |---------------------|dying to me don't sound like all that much fun. | | It is the spectator and not life, that art really mirrors. Oscar Wilde |