Subject: Re: TP 11/10/90 *SPOILERS* from hell! From: (Fiona Oceanstar) Date: 1990-11-15, 18:29 Newsgroups: Wow! This newsgroup sure is interesting to read these days, now that the Killer Bob business has burst wide open and we're getting some fasci- nating speculations about what these spirits are like and where they come from--what I like to think of as the "metaphysics" of a good horror tale, in other words. For example, in Dennis Doubleday's article we have: > >...The > >"possession" by the spirit BOB is a symbol for the uncontrollable > >compulsions that come over Leland. At some point along the way, > >Leland's compulsions have gone over the edge of molestation and into > >torture and murder. Leland may not be aware conciously of the things > >he does when he is his other self; he could be a dual personality > >(more Twin imagery?). But at some subconcious level he is aware and > >feels deep grief over his actions, even though he cannot control his > >compulsions. This would explain the earlier train car scene, in which > >BOB appears to be howling in anguish over the dead body of Laura. OK, I can readily buy that *Leland*--who is a human being, after all-- has an escalating madness which he is aware of, on one level, and genuinely abhors. But what about *Bob*? Does the spirit Bob have any compassion, any regrets, any kinship at all with us--or does he just treat us like *cattle*--or like playthings, as one poster suggested? --Fiona Oceanstar