Subject: Question about Lynch and politics From: (Joe Salmons) Date: 1990-11-16, 06:14 Newsgroups: I haven't been reading a.t.t-p very long, so sorry if this has come up before (hell, what hasn't come up here). Somebody told me that Lynch has at least acted in interviews like a serious Reagan-styled rightwinger, a real old fashioned macho-type guy. I laughed pretty hard about it then, but that was before the questions about sexism in TP. What's the deal? Another point, more directly about the show: the TP community does not strike me as role model material on ANY count, sex roles or anything else. Lynch is painting a pretty dismal world here, for whatever reason, not exactly the socialist realist approach to TV. In the middle of all the greed, corruption, violence, deceit, etc., a progressive set of gender roles would not fit the pattern. One of Cooper's early mistakes was seeing TP as an idyllic place, wasn't it?