Subject: Re: Is Twin Peaks anti-woman? Are Twin Peaks fans? From: (Tom Chiang) Date: 1990-11-16, 01:31 Newsgroups: In article <39597@ucbvax.BERKELEY.EDU> (Joe Buck) writes: > >contains violence against women. I would prefer that violence be depicted > >as Twin Peaks does it, with all the horror that that violence really has, > >than in the sanitized form that the rest of the media portrays it in > >(exception: Hawk's knife in the back to rescue Coop and Harry at OEJ's. > >I thought the TP gang were above that). ...i think everyone who keeps mentioning this is being a little too critical of the show...they surely weren't going to be able to rescue audrey w/o some sort of confrontation, and there was one involving hawk and the knife...what would u have preferred?...julee cruise crooning in the background? else would u have written it?...i think they realized a confrontation was necessary, and made it short, sweet, & to the it should have been console cowboy