Subject: Re: Re: Responses to "Maddy's Visions" From: collier@hpsmpk.HP.COM (Mark Collier) Date: 1990-11-16, 17:38 Newsgroups: / / 1:16 pm Nov 12, 1990 / > > As a brief aside, it is interesting to note that Maddy's visions foretold her > > own death: > > > > 1) Maddy "saw" Bob attacking her and > > > > 2) Maddy saw a blood stain on the living room carpet of the Palmer house in > > the same place that she was lying at the end of 11/10. Would someone please remind which episode it was in which Maddy saw this bloodstain? I've been paying close attention to Twin Peaks, really I have, but I just can't seem to remember this event, even though nearly everyone else seems to remember it. Thanks, Mark Collier