Subject: Re: Leland at Great Northern? From: (John N. Lutz) Date: 1990-11-18, 16:49 Newsgroups:, In article <> (Emmanuel Goldstein) writes: > >Did anyone else notice this? When the one-armed man was freaking > >out in the hotel, we see ben entering, cooper looking up and saying > >something to andy, then the camera pulls back and we see a > >policeman leading a WHITE-haired man! Was that Leland? If so, it > >could explain alot. Sorry, no dice. I saw it to and went back and checked. The man being escorted is definately *not* Leland. The man is much older. > >Here's a crazy theory: Cooper is an alcoholic. Why? It would make for > >some interesting plot twists and liven up his past. But I first thought > >this when I saw his reaction to the drink the judge gave him. Take > >a look: he almost seems afraid of it. And, unlike the others, he never > >actually drinks it.... Again, no dice. If you look carefully at the Roadhouse scene, when the Giant takes center stage, Coopers beer is half finished. I also thought that Cooper was a tea-totaler, but the beer seems to burst theory. (Unless the Log Lady is a double fisted suds chugger.) > >Uh oh. Indeed.