Subject: Two other 11/17 points From: tneff@bfmny0.BFM.COM (Tom Neff) Date: 1990-11-18, 21:41 Newsgroups: * When Gerard awoke, didn't you love the wiggling stump? CREEPY! * Ray Wise's facial expressions in the GN lobby (as Cooper asked him to let them know if he remembered anything) were a stone knockoff of Nicholson's Joker! Very funny Ray. * If Nissan buys ad time, will they run the Sentra commercial where the guy stuck in a traffic jam fantasizes about "owning the road" and all the signs read "BOB'S EXPRESSWAY," "GO BOB," "YIELD TO BOB" etc? :-) -- "Just the fax, ma'am." o..oo Tom Neff -- John McClane .oo.. tneff@bfmny0.BFM.COM