Subject: Dominoes From: (Pete Zakel) Date: 1990-11-19, 15:58 Newsgroups: Well, personally I think Hank progressing from a double-3 to a double-4 means he either killed Jean Renault or considers Leo close enough to dead to count. If you can't figure it out from the above -- I think the domino is his way of advertising how many peopled he's offed. The "3" represented Andrew Packard, the hapless person he killed as a way of removing suspicion for Andrew's murder, and another person that hasn't been mentioned. Thus the reason it is such an ominous message to Josie in the first season. Of course, it may be the *total* number that is significant (6 and 8, respectively), but I doubt it. -Pete Zakel ( or ..!{hpda,versatc,apollo,ucbcad,uunet}!cadence!phz) "It is happening, *again*."