Subject: Re: Some observations on Leland/BOB From: maus@Morgan.COM (Malcolm Austin) Date: 1990-11-19, 11:21 Newsgroups: In article writes: > > > >How do we know that BOB attacked [Ronette] in the hospital? That letter > >underneath her fingernail could have been put there at the same time that > >Laura's was - in the traincar. > > > >Richard Barrett Cooper checked Ronette's fingers during the premiere, even before he checked Laura's. He was expecting to find the letter then, but didn't. Also, remember the tainted I.V. There is still the problem that the letter-under-the-fingernail seems to indicate BOB's presence, while the blue I.V. (assuming that it is the same drug as used by the OAM--has that been established?) is OWL-garlic--a protec- tion from possession. This juxaposition has not yet been explained. -- =============================================================================== Malcolm Austin -- #include "disclaimer.h"