Subject: Ideas From: (Mark Hessman) Date: 1990-11-20, 19:14 Newsgroups: Well, we just got this newsgroup added, so I'm going to mention a few thoughts I've been having about the show. First : It is depressing how predictable they're becoming. While I certainly acknowledge the creativity of the series, there are a few places in which Lynch et al. have really let us down. Example : The European version of TP, which was a two-hour movie in which BOB is revealed as the killer. This has been public knowledge since midway through the first season, yet at the time Lynch assured us all that the outcome of that version has no relation whatsoever to the American series. Yeah, right. Also the book of the 'Secret Diary of Laura Palmer.' The TP people said the diary (now on sale at your local bookstore) had no relation to the events of the series, that it was apocryphal. Yet it has appeared in there, word for word. What next? Whether or not Maddie was in the golf bag : Regardless of the weight issue, I'm almost sure she was. It wasn't just the hand we saw; there were curls of her hair visible too, I'm almost sure. MY THEORY. BOB does move back and forth between/among people, and he most definitely was not in Leland when Laura was killed. My opinion is that BOB entered Leland right after Jacques' murder (was it just coincidence that Leland's hair turned white immediately afterward? I think not.) Leland killed Jacques without BOB's help -- otherwise the killing would have been weirder and more violent -- but that murder was, perhaps, a precondition to BOB's occupation of Leland. Sort of like Leland had to do something evil to become susceptible (or to declare himself open) to BOB's influence. [Sidetrack : I'm in no way an sf junkie, but this idea reminds me of that in Douglas Adams' first *Dirk Gently* book.] So the question is who BOB was in when Laura died. Ben Horne is a possibility, and I seem to recall the OAM saying something like "BOB has been here" when examining Ben after Ben had been detained. And he never did give a straight answer when Audrey asked him about it. But that would be a bit too pat. Whatever became of Ronette? She isn't dead, is she? The 'BOB is a were-owl' idea seemed credible to me from the first time we heard about the owls. That seemed to be the simplest explanation. But the simplest explanation has only rarely turned out to be the correct one... The 'flashlight dancing' scene (and it took me a few minutes to remember it) was worthwhile, if for nothing else, for the sight of Ben & Jerry as pre-pubescents. =) One of the people I watch the show with was sure that what the magician- boy said was "J'ai un ami sous le terre" -- 'I have a friend under the earth.' Much more ominous than that bit about the 'solitary soul.' OK, that's enough for now. =) -- Mark