Subject: Re: PLAYBOY Magazine and Maddie/w/Biker Guy From: Date: 1990-11-20, 13:24 Newsgroups: In article , mshiels@tmsoft.uucp (Michael A. Shiels) says: > > > >This is not her first time posing for PLAYBOY. She has posed before. if you have ever seen the film "two moon junction" you would not be at all suprised that she has posed even more than once. the film is *very* steamy and erotic with sherilyn playing the lead role. very interesting movie. definitely worth the price of a rental -- not a sleazy flick if you know. --- WENDY C. WHITE "TODAY, I HAD A PREMONITION THAT I WOULD THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY HAVE A DEJA VU SOON." --NO ONE YOU know PHYSICS OR DIE!!! "BODY ODOR IS THE WINDOW TO THE SOUL." --DAVID BYRNE