Subject: Re: re: 11/17 (spoilers) From: (Ann Hodgins) Date: 1990-11-21, 10:10 Newsgroups: In article <114030032@hpcuhd.HP.COM> grega@hpcuhd.HP.COM (Number 6) writes: > >Karl Kluge ( > > >> >>OK, all you Leland-did-its, after >> >>40 years of hanging around in Leland, why this sudden disregard for >> >>his host's continued viability? What is Bob's motive for his sudden, >> >>devil-may-care attitude to Leland? > > > >Motive? Poor writing, perhaps? Or maybe after 40 years of success Bob is getting over-confident or just bored with playing it save safe. Or maybe Bob is just in Leland's mind, and as his madness progresses it gains control to a self destructive degree. a.h.