Subject: RE: Farewell, Twin Peaks From: ADMN8647@Ryerson.CA (Linda Birmingham) Date: 1990-11-21, 06:32 Newsgroups: Re the nit picking about blood typing. First I sometimes think, we the viewers, are becoming slightly obsessive with wanting this show to reflect reality. Let's face it, this is Frost/Lynch and reality is not a concept I think they consider essential to a *damn fine* story. Now to the point about discovering blood types. Recently in Toronto there has been a case were a young girl went missing and her body has not been found. However her car was discovered with what appeared to be blood stains. This happened several months ago in the summer, but the results of the testing on the blood was only revealed this week. Now, I'm not saying that Toronto is at the forefront of blood sampling, but we are not a backwater community. In fact there is a rumour going around that we are "a world class" city :>), so it is not inconceivable that it would take a couple of hours for difinitive blood sampling in a small town with only one hospital. Remember this has to go to court and no one wants the case t thrown out on a technicality. Linda :Disclaimer; I freely admit that these opinions are not shared by my employer, because I could not in good conscious admit to sharing any opinion expressed by employer: