Subject: Re: Some observations on Leland/BOB From: Date: 1990-11-21, 23:34 Newsgroups: maus@Morgan.COM (Malcolm Austin) writes: > > In article writes > > Also, remember the tainted I.V. > > > > There is still the problem that the letter-under-the-fingernail seems to > > indicate BOB's presence, while the blue I.V. (assuming that it is the same > > drug as used by the OAM--has that been established?) is OWL-garlic--a protec- > > tion from possession. This juxaposition has not yet been explained. I'm trying to figure out a reason why everybody thinks the I.V. was tainted! "It looks like blue dye" is what Albert said. Whoa! Suspicious language there! And later - OAM's hypo has blue liquid in it. Yep - gotta be a connection there. >HEAVY SARCASM< My impression of "It looks like blue dye" was that it was nothing more than a quote for people who read too deeply into things. ************************************************************************** "Mr. BOB, you've killed Theresa Banks, * Richard Barrett Laura Palmer, Jacques Renault, and * 18004 146th Ave NE Maddy Ferguson. What are you going to * Woodinville, WA 98072 do next?" * (206)487-1312 "I'm going to Disneyland!" * **************************************************************************