Subject: Re: Albert = Will Robinson? From: (Dave Allum) Date: 1990-11-26, 03:03 Newsgroups: In article (Jim Lange) writes: > >I heard a blurb on the radio last night, but was not listening very carefully. > >However, what I think I heard was that the actor who portrays Albert on Twin > >Peaks is, in fact, the child actor who played Will Robinson on Lost in Space! Danger! Danger! Did you grow up to be pathologist, Will Robinson!? No. Will Robinson was played by Bill Mumy. --- Dave Allum, BUCS, | Email: | Diane: It's 1:42am. Woke Bath University, | Phone: +44 225 826023 | up feeling hungry. Ate BATH BA2 7AY, U.K. | Fax : +44 225 826176 | the chocolate bunnies.