Subject: Re: Lynch/Frost on Hefner From: (Jym Dyer) Date: 1990-11-26, 15:20 Newsgroups: > > Well, gee, maybe they thought that you would like to think about > > it and draw your own conclusions. If you want to be told what > > to think, and how to think it, I recommend a subscription to > > Time Magazine. .-. |H|ow fallacious. If _American_Chronicles_ has indeed only shown `-' one side of it, it didn't give enough information to "draw your own conclusions." This would put it in the same league as _Time_. .-. |M|y understanding of _AC_ is that its documentaries are shown `-' from the unique Lynchian/Frostian perspectives. A "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" treatment of Hef seems far below the standards of quality we've come to expect from the team. .-. |I|f I were Lynch :-), I'd zoom in on Hef's ubiquitous Pepsi can `-' and crank up the sound of the bubbles. :-) /F356/<_Jym_Dyer_>/B893/A972/F83/H25/N729/F387/G298/O37/X235/Q734/ /X243/K822/L262/B23/THE/OWLS/ARE/NOT/WHAT/THEY/SEEM/B383/L947/M84/ /M867/B586/K389/O98/AND/I/LIKE/WHALES/N37/B88/L867/P213/N297/B957/ /W482/