Subject: Re: more stuff for a slow week From: Date: 1990-11-26, 01:18 Newsgroups: dipankar ray writes... > >Who says (Sarah Palmer) was drugged? Last week's USA today ran a Twin Peak's tips column that included this tidbit - `Leland is drugging wife Sarah; neither is aware Leland is killer BBO.' The column went on to say "Agent Cooper's mysterious ex-partner - the only one on earth that Cooper is terrified of, says producer Mark Frost - will be key to the last half of Twin Peaks; season. Not cast yet, the character is a `master of disguise,' says Frost." Also, Miguel Ferrer (Albert) says that he has been told that he will return to Peaks and there's even talk of creating a show around Albert. Question: which happened first - the USA Today story (11/19) or those wonderful `imaginery' net scripts on TP spinoffs? `Sometimes my mind bends back.' More on Dipankar Ray who says a lot of Leland-did-it stuff: We've got no quarrel that most recent evidence on the show points to Leland as Laura's killer. He's got a neat little exacto knife, he flicks matches very well and his assault on Maddie looks like the prototypical BOB attack. As last season ended, Lynch/Frost made a similar effort to point as much suspicion as possible on Jacques and Leo. Remember the net traffic last spring - Dr. Jacoby's tape and pendant were popularly considered indispensible clues. We wonder whether Lynch/Frost are up to the same game with this season's sweeps episode. Just when it looks as if BOB has to be Leland, we wonder whether Lynch/Frost have something much more interesting in store - BOB as a more ambiguous creature, more skillfully connected to other evils in the town. BTW is it just us, or is the Sheriff's department remarkably blase about the town's crime wave. The set on that show must be getting kinda weird. Think about it. They've already done the Catherine/ Mr. Tajima (sp) switch - reportedly fooling other cast members while they were at it. There is the slight mystery of the food critic - although Vivian looks like our Ms. Wentz (sp). Now comes word about Cooper's partner and his/her disguises. Oh well, just another day in Twin Peaks. Diarmuid Maguire Hillard Pouncy