Subject: Re: Leo/Leland (was: Re: Can we trust what Leland says?) From: collier@hpsmpk.HP.COM (Mark Collier) Date: 1990-11-27, 19:23 Newsgroups: / / (Tak Ariga) / 12:07 am Nov 26, 1990 / > > Waldo the Mynah is on tape saying "Leland no! Leland no!". Who would > > have said that? Laura? Ronnette? It does sounds like a female voice. > > Does that mean Leland was at Jacques' cabin? Maybe Leland was the "third > > man" who takes Laura and Ronnette to the train car, and Laura/Ronnette is > > saying "Leland, no! (Don't take me away to the train car.)" That sounds > > plausible. But would Laura call her own father "Leland", instead of "Daddy"? > > What about Ronnette; wouldn't she have said "No, Mr. Palmer" ? :-) > > [A female person most likely to say "Leland" IMHO is Sarah, but she wasn't at > > Jacques' cabin, right? :-) Imagine the theories trying to make that fit!] I believe Waldo said "Laura no! Laura no!", not "Leland no! Leland no!". Mark Collier