Subject: Re: Future Error on 12/1 / From: (Cisco's Buddy) Date: 1990-11-30, 03:01 Newsgroups: In article , (Richard Barrett) writes... } You are, of course, assuming that "a circle made of gold" as MIKE said in } the preview refers to Cooper's ring. Or, he might be assuming that the ring -- shown clearly (looks like it's dropping to the floor) -- seen after the shot of Cooper and the Giant facing each other is what indicates that Cooper gets his ring back. -- "I can't die yet. I haven't seen THE JOLSON STORY." --- jayembee (Jerry Boyajian, DEC, "The Mill", Maynard, MA) UUCP: ...!decwrl!!boyajian ARPA: boyajian%ruby.DEC@DECWRL.DEC.COM