Subject: Re: Is Twin Peaks anti-woman? Are Twin Peaks fans? From: (Trey (PartyPak dir!)) Date: 1990-11-30, 03:11 Newsgroups: In article <>, (Cisco's Buddy) writes: > > In article <>, (Michael L. Kaufman) writes... > > > > } I don't buy this whole thing. This all started when someone called Donna's > > } behavior slutty. Face it folks, she was acting slutty. She was not showing > > } a "healthy" or "positive" attitude toward sex, she wanted to do it on the > > } floor in the jail with James. This, by any reasonable definition, IMHO, is > > } considered slutty behavior. > > > > I disagree. If a man wants to screw anything that moves, people think its > > natural -- "He's just sowing his wild oats." > > > > If a woman wants to screw anything that moves, she's considered a "slut". > > > > This is sexist. It's wrong. So she wants to do it on the floor with James? Oh, come on. People ALSO think men are not quite right when they want to "fuck anything that moves". Sowing his wild oats went out about 20 years ago. Ever been down to Tijuana? Yes, the men are really sluttish...I don't think anyone can argue about those men "only wanting to sow their oats." They're thinking about plowing a woman, not a field. We know it, they know it, so who cares? And this is not racist: the same situation exists at almost every fraternity party one goes to here in the good old US of A. If "slutty" is defined as just wanting to do the wild thing anytime, anywhere, perferably in a place not quite viewed by the general public as suitable to the act (such as the jail) then I think we can be agreement as to Donna actin' slutty. > > } Just as, if James had made this suggestion to Donna we would call him > > } (oh, I don't know), an asshole. > > > > Yeah, but no one would think he was deviant because of it. Again, I think most people would look upon such a suggestion as implying great need. NO ONE IS CALLING DONNA DEVIANT! Deviancy usually implies some act thought of as "perverse" i.e. B&D S&M beastiality etc. (yes, including RAPE (*gasp!*)) and I don't think "sluttish" is the same as "deviant" or perverse. It just means she's horny, doesn't care where it happens, and thinks it better happen NOW! As well as not being coy about her feelings. She wanted it, she knew it, and she certainly didn't mind James knowing it. I find this attitude quite refreshing, but it IS "slutty". More power to her! And hey, anybody see that cover of ROLLING STONE a little while ago? Donna, Maddie and Audrey hugging each other with tight tank tops and jeans on! Any women think this is SEXIST, wouldn't you say the same about a picture of Kyle McLoughlin in BVD briefs bending over to pick up his shirt? Yeah, quite an image, I know...but the point is made. -T. -- =========================================================================== "Yeah, I'll go ta' check out a movie, | Internet: but it'll take a BLACK one ta' move me!" | -- Public Enemy No. One | All other forms of life