Subject: Re: Is Twin Peaks anti-woman? Are Twin Peaks fans? From: (Ann Hodgins) Date: 1990-11-30, 07:56 Newsgroups: In article <> (Trey (PartyPak dir!)) writes: > >In article <>, (Cisco's Buddy) writes: >> >> In article <>, (Michael L. Kaufman) writes... >> >> >> >> } I don't buy this whole thing. This all started when someone called Donna's >> >> } behavior slutty. Face it folks, she was acting slutty. She was not showing >> >> } a "healthy" or "positive" attitude toward sex, she wanted to do it on the >> >> } floor in the jail with James. This, by any reasonable definition, IMHO, is >> >> } considered slutty behavior. Personally I find James revoltingly prudish. *He* is the weird one, not Donna. Donna is just beginning to let herself feel strongly for a man and, very unfortunately for her, she has chosen uptight James instead of Harold. Seeing her man in trouble aroused powerful passions. I think it is human nature to feel an upsurge of passion in wars, jails and hospitals. Something about the life force rising up against a threat. Life against death. Too bad James couldn't appreciate it. a.h.