Subject: Re: Preview of 12/1episode From: (Daniel Pedersen) Date: 1990-11-30, 00:57 Newsgroups: -Message-Text-Follows- The blurb at the end of the last TP episode shows Cooper and the Giant standing face to face in Spirit-Land with A Circle Of Gold between thenm , which is very obviously Cooper's ring. I guess Coop get's his ring back as all three of the Giant's prophecies have come true, including "without chemicals he points" To Dave who posted article 8062: > > Je suis une homme de la terre Don't you mean " Je suis une POMME de [la] terre?" :-> Sorry, I couldn't resist that... P.s. Notice how powerful the evil spirits seem in this world of TP, while the good spirits seem kinda helpless - see 11/10 episode: while BOB is having fun with Maddy, the giant and Margharet's Log can't do anything., > > Daniel