Subject: Re: Uncle Leland From: (Dave Mack) Date: 1990-11-30, 21:07 Newsgroups: In article <16087@bfmny0.BFM.COM> tneff@bfmny0.BFM.COM (Tom Neff) writes: > >In article <> (Dave Mack) writes: >> >>I think we're losing focus a bit here. The important question isn't "Can >> >>BOB switch hosts," it's "Who killed Laura Palmer." The assertion that >> >>BOB has been in Leland since childhood and *cannot* switch hosts means >> >>that Leland/BOB killed Laura as well as Theresa Banks. > > > >(a) cannot or CHOOSES not to, either way > > > >(b) if the lettered fingnail means BOB did it then Leland did Banks, > > Laura and Maddy as well as Jacques, and visited Ronette. Dunno why > >he didn't kill Ronette; maybe he thought he had. (blue stuff) Why > >didn't they check Renault for a letter: maybe it was too early to ID > >Leland as the serialist. Oops. Circular reasoning, Tom. *BOB* killed Banks, Laura and Maddy. No proof yet that he was in Leland at the time. We don't know Leland's blood type, but there's a reasonable chance that it's the same as Laura's which, as you'll recall, was *not* the same as the killer's. We don't know if he has an alibi for the night of Laura's death. And how do you know they didn't check Jacques for a letter? Checking under the nails of a murder victim is pretty standard procedure, and one that Cooper, Truman, Hawk, and probably even Andy would insist on, in light of Banks and Laura. >> >>I will accept this if you can give me a plausible answer to one question: >> >>why did Leland's hair turn white on the night he killed Jacques Renault? > > > >Damn all, I don't think it DID! Or rather, that it was not originally > >planned at the time Jacques' snuffing was scripted, that Leland would be > >a cottontop in the next episode. I have said this before. I think this > >is an "artifact" of the long inter-season break. Maybe Ray Wise got > >tired of dyeing his hair and decided to bleach it instead. Maybe when > >he reported to the studio that way, instead of telling him to dye it > >back, something quirky lit up in Lynch and made him decide he liked the > >change... What was that you were saying about Occam's Razor and the unnecessary multiplication of hypotheses? I can just see Lynch staring at Ray Wise' head, then turning to the writers and saying, "Add something about how his hair turned white overnight. Oh yeah, and make his character happy. I'm tired of him moaning and crying all the time." Hogwash. And the "long inter-season break" existed for the viewers, not for the actors, I suspect. Do you have definite information about when they filmed that episode? Normally, they try to film as many episodes of a series as they can during the summer reruns, because there are always delays and problems, and they absolutely have to have each episode shot at least three to four weeks before it's to be aired. >> >>I contend that BOB took over Leland on the night Leland murdered >> >>Jacques - the act of murder allowed BOB entry - and that this is >> >>why Leland's hair turned white and he suddenly developed a sunny >> >>disposition. > > > >Actually hasn't Leland been something of a fruitcake since Day One? Hard to tell, since he was informed of his daughter's murder about fifteen minutes into the pilot. In the scenes with Ben before that, he seemed normal and quite nondescript, at least compared to Ben "Let's go get those cheese-eaters" Horne. -- Dave Mack