Subject: January 12 At Last! From: tneff@bfmny0.BFM.COM (Tom Neff) Date: 1991-01-12, 20:38 Newsgroups: SPOILERS if you live in some benighted time zone where it's still 8:15pm... This is just preliminary. * I believe they re-recorded the opening theme. The reverb in the synthesizer is now much more pronounced, and some of the little phrasings have changed. I have a pretty good ear for this type of thing. Did they need to re-record to meet new time limits on the opening credits, or did they just decide it would be a good thing? Insider dope requested. * Surely we can put to bed once and for all the question of whether TWIN PEAKS is really a soap opera or something else/more. It's just a soap opera! Really. But -- it is a soap opera of major, grandiloquent stature, with fearlessly psychic overtones and a fascinating hand picked ensemble. It is, in fact, HILL STREET BLUES meets DARK SHADOWS. And I could think of far worse ways to spend an hour of my Saturday nights. * Nor -- mark this date, boys -- did Caleb Deschanel do a bad job with this one, did he? Hey, when the mission is to paint emotional vignettes, this guy's got the stuff. Just don't ask him to move the action along in some meaningful way when there's a murder mystery afoot, and everything is cool. Was that after-hours scene in the Sheriff's office exquisite, or what? * Also, best director's moment in quite a while -- that throwaway line of Cooper's as Denise exits his room at the Great Northern. Could have been lame, but came out riotous. * Anyway, they can do anything they want to, I don't care: I got the Major back!