Subject: Re: Diane hypothesis From: halcyon! (Demosthenes) Date: 1991-01-14, 18:00 Newsgroups: (Ernst W Mayer) writes: > > I was catching up on movies over the holidays, and I saw something which > > may explain who "Diane" is, or at least where the idea may have come from. > > In the Rob Reiner - directed movie "Say Anything", Lloyd Dobler (John Cusack) Sorry, Rob Reiner directed "The Sure Thing." Cameron Crowe directed "Say Anything..." ************************************************************************** "Mr. BOB, you've killed Theresa Banks, * Richard Barrett Laura Palmer, Jacques Renault, and * 18004 146th Ave NE Maddy Ferguson. What are you going to * Woodinville, WA 98072 do next?" * (206)487-1312 "I'm going to Disneyland!" * **************************************************************************