Subject: Synopsis of 1/12 From: (Bob Nolty) Date: 1991-01-14, 13:19 Newsgroups: 1. Bobby tries again to blackmail Ben. Ben is acting too weird for it to take. Eventually Ben hires Bobby to spy on Hank; Bobby is thrilled. 2. As Bobby leaves a lady is running down the hall screaming. 3. Cooper is discussing houses with a real estate agent (Irene). A coin flip leads him to like Dead Dog Pond, an estate with a mysterious past where no one stays for long. 4. Andy, Dick and Lucy visit with Nickie's case worker. Nickie is an orphan who has been through many foster homes, and is the victim of "persistent misfortune". 5. Harry breaks up the meeting calling Andy to an emergency at the Great Northern. 6. Harry, Doc Hayward and Andy investigate Dougie Milford, dead in his hotel bed. Dwayne comes in and grieves, accusing the wife (Judy?) of murder by sex. Andy doesn't cry. 7. In the hallway, Hawk is talking/flirting with the widow. 8. Nadine has joined the wrestling team and takes Mike in one fall while asking him out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9. Mike complains to Donna about Nadine. 10. James meets Malcolm Sloan, who is Evelyn Marsh's brother, Jeffrey Marsh's driver. He says Marsh abuses Evelyn. 11. At Dead Dog Pond, Cooper notices some tire tracks: "A Jeep, a four- wheeler and a luxury sedan," he declares. In the house he declares a meeting took place earlier that day, and he finds cocaine dust. 12. Dick fixes a flat while Nickie is irritating. While Nickie is not touching the car and facing the other way, the car falls off the jack. Nickie panics and runs to hug Dick (who is unhurt). 13. Cooper comes to tell Harry about Dead Dog Pond, but instead visits with an Air Force Colonel investigating Major Briggs. Briggs is a great pilot. "The owls are not what they seem" was broadcast from earth, not deep space -- maybe from the White Lodge ("That's classified"). 14. James and Evelyn flirt and kiss. James encourages her to leave her husband but she refuses. When Jeffrey comes home she runs to greet him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 15. Bobby, returning to Ben's office with photos, sees Audrey who flirts with him but doesn't kiss him. Audrey goes to her secret listening place. 16. Ben, who is working on a civil war model ("Gettysburg, day 1"), accepts photos from Bobby and gives him a raise. 17. Pete and Catherine enjoy a romantic meal, served by Josie in a maid outfit. Pete is bothered by Catherine's treatment of Josie, but is having too much fun to make an issue of it. 18. Cooper brings Diane up to date. Cooper did in fact respond to Earle's chess opening by publishing his response, "P-Q4", in the classifieds. 19. In another triumph of due process and the rule of law, Audrey knocks and offers Cooper Bobby's photos she has just stolen from her father's office. Cooper identifies them as Hank, Ernie, Jean Renault and the mountie, meeting at Dead Dog Pond. Denise comes in, making Audrey jealous (IMO). Audrey kisses Cooper on her way out. Cooper briefs Denise. Denise: [your biggest problem is] how old is that girl? Cooper: I wouldn't think you would be interested in a girl like that. Denise: I may wear a dress but I still put my panties on one leg at a time, if you know what I mean. (Above is very approximate.) 20. Since Ed's role of mugging and saying golly to Nadine's actions has been taken over by Mike, the writer's are trying to resurrect the old Ed. Here, he looks depressed in the diner, prompting Norma to suggest they can still be friends and to take his hand, all this secretly witnessed by Hank. 21. (This may be out of sequence.) Denise confronts Ernie in the diner with the photo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ (evening, it is beginning to rain.) 22. Dick tells Andy he thinks Nickie is the devil. 23. In Harry's office, Dwayne continues to accuse Judy of murder. Doc is present. 24. In the hallway, all the men watch Judy being escorted to a room; they begin collectively reciting Shakespeare. 25. I believe in a room in the great northern, with lights out and lightning flashing, Cooper and Denise interrogate Ernie. They apparently want to let him off, using him to catch the big guys. Denise (presumably as Dennis) will pose as a buyer from Seattle and Ernie will arrange for a deal between Renault and Dennis. 26. (Again, may be out of sequence) Lucy tries to call the sheriff to the phone, but gets no response. She eventually finds all the men literally spellbound by Judy telling stories. 27. James hears Evelyn and Jeffrey fighting. Malcolm declares to James, "I'll kill him." 28. Bobby goes home (the Briggs house) to find his mother sitting in the dark grieving over the Major's disappearance. Bobby tells his mother about the Major's dream (related in the diner a few episodes ago.) Suddenly the major materializes in the house, wearing a vintage pilot's outfit (leather jacket and goggles) and asking how long he's been gone. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Post your corrections, clarifications and extensions. BTW I probably won't get to watch this week, we need a volunteer to do this next week. Also if anyone is willing to do this all the time, preferably on Saturday or Sunday, instead of waiting for me on Monday that is fine with me. Bob