Subject: Cooper and Harry Do Drugs From: (Rafael Juarez) Date: 1991-01-19, 04:53 Newsgroups: I don't know if anybody else has made this observation yet, but I think it's certainly a very Lynchian-Twin Peaks touch. When Cooper is speaking to Harry, in the police station, behind them, framed perfectly by their heads, on a billboard, sits a poster that says "Mom and dad--- I use drugs!". Now, I've seen that poster before, but I've never really understood if it stood for a particular movement or whether it simply just existed as a popular poster. If the latter is true, I think the directors for Twin Peaks that week are getting rather obvious. -- David Konerding, Wesleyan University DKONERDING@EAGLE.WESLEYAN.EDU Under Earth and Throneless I May Be/ Yet While I Lived, All Earth Was Under Me - SILVER CHAIR, by C.S. Lewis