Subject: 1/19 episode From: (Lisa Laidlaw) Date: 1991-01-20, 10:02 Newsgroups: SHELLY!!!!!!AGGGHHHHHH! I really did scream at that moment, and I consider myself a calm analytical TP watcher. Lots of implications to the LEO consciousness. Was it consciousness, If so, how long has he been conscious, is he going to kill this woman or what?? The final scene was, believe it or not, refreshing to me. I was a little disappointed lately that Lynch et al. was not using as many of the totally sick eerie, murder stuff. This side of Lynch is what I consider to be his unique draw. I have a theory that the voyeur in us finds solace in watching perverse gore from the comfort of our blankets and pillows on Saturday night, it is all the desensitised violence stuff, but I wonder sometimes if the viewing of these creatively horrifying images from Lynch feeds some sort of need for that which is worse than our own worse thought. Anyway, the episode was wonderfully twisted and nauseating, what TP stands for! I don't endorse the infidelity, violence, sexism, racism, etc... that is displayed for us on the screen, but I do offer the claim that TP mesmerizes us with just those horrible things. I think that it is not that we are people who relish that which is sick in life, just the opposite...we probably find the acts of terrific perversity to be more nauseating than the TP haters. I think that Lynch et al. is working on us to project a message that the perversity is to be scorned. He is reflecting the reality of domestic violence, infidelity, murder and so on that is most frightening to the TP watchers. We get to see the reality of the neighbors and friends and maybe ourselves that are party to the actual violence being depicted. Back to the episode. What is it about that Josie that HST cannot talk to her he has to constantly mawl her? It is getting wierd. Do they talk anymore, or is just straight to the sheets, or the linoleum? I am still enjoying the degression of the great Ben Horne. There is a book called A CERTAIN TENDENCY OF THE HOLLYWOOD CINEMA (ROBERT B. RAY), that talks about a masterplot of hllywood, the outlaw hero. The outlaw hero can be found in movie after movie, it is the usually male lead who at first is a "bad guy" but eventually is reborn to be the plots savior, or the adoring husband. Rick Blaine, Rhett Butler are examples. Rogues who buy into the western way, and become dependable and responsible. Ben Horne is my pick for the TP OUTLAW HERO character. He is showing signs of softening, and I predict he will function to save the town somewhere down the road. The dick/andy alliance is silly, the loss of the doogie widow storyline was not regretful, and the norma/ed trist was predictable. The immediate cut to Hank, however was not and it was a neat shocker. The entrance of Nadine then again minimized the fun of the shock. I can't wait to get rid of Ernie and the Dudly Doowright mountie. Denise is Dennis again, and that is interesting, because he isn't too ugly, almost a Richard Gere resemblance. . .somehow. It's interesting because of the Audrey thing of last week. Will he be interested in our little Monroesque teen sleuth? I like audrey, even if she is accused of being a poor actress. Her character is more appealing than the other teens--to me anyway. I think I always like a woman acrtress who has hips, instead of being built like a fourteen year old boy. Dumb reason to like her but I admit it's comforting to know we don't have just see other woman who are twigs. We have good company. FINAL AND MOST IMPORTANT IDEA: Is there anyone out there who is interested in kicking around Doc Hayward's role in all this? I wonder why he is everywhere all the time. His hand is in everything. Is he a bad guy. . .I say somehow the answer is YYYEEEESSS! Lisa Laidlaw McCLure PSU