Subject: Hank (1/19 spoiler) From: (Jennifer Quirin) Date: 1991-01-20, 11:02 Newsgroups: Warning, this is a spoiler for 1/12 and 1/19 episodes: It has been noted on this newsgroup that Hank's Domino went from 3x3 to 4x4 and back to 3x4 on the 1/12 episode. Could this be foreshadowing of Leo's "return" in the 1/19 episode, like Hank lost a point from his killing record when one of his victims recovered? Just an idea. jen /=============================================================================\ |Jennifer Quirin student, Carnegie Mellon University | |quirin@{cs,ece,andrew} <= internet | |known_world!harvard!!jq07 <= uucp | |=============================================================================| |Opinions expressed herein are not CMU's, and are probably not even mine, | |since I am not really posting: I am hard at work as I am supposed to be. | \=============================================================================/