Subject: Re: Latest show
From: (Bob Ingria)
Date: 1991-01-20, 15:30
Reply-to: ingria@BBN.COM

In article <> (Ann Hodgins) writes:
   I suspect thtat that the major's search for a spiritual realm of
   light has brought him to something quite material and possibly
   quite evil. In a certain Stephen King book (I think it was
   The Stand) 

Actually, it's The Tommyknockers (borrowing from Five Million Years to
Earth/Quatermass and the Pit).

      the premise is that an alien space ship struck the
   earth in pre-history and was covered over by woods. However, something
   survived within emitting a subtle energy that effected human
   minds and bodies. It controlled the minds and healed the bodies.

Both healed and transformed into something...not human.

   Energy from the buried ship could explain certain healings such
   as people suddenly not needing their glasses any more, Leo's
   unexpected recovery and perhaps even Andrew's return from the dead.

I don't know about the other two, but certainly Leo's resuscitation
was preceded by the canonical Spielberg/Close Encounters device: power
glitches (all over TP, and not just in the Johnson abode) and
mechanical devices coming to life.  Major Briggs did say that he was
working on an offshoot of Project Blue Book that investigated goings
on under the earth.  However, as the saying goes ``All very convincing
young [wo]man, except for one fact...''  If there is a buried
spacecraft (or whatever), in Twin Peaks, why is it only now becoming


``His fears as unnatural as he was able...''