Subject: Re: Cooper's Requirements (was Coop & Widow?) From: c2h5oh@ucscb.UCSC.EDU (Idealistic Bibliomystic) Date: 1991-01-21, 15:41 Newsgroups: In article <> (Cisco's Buddy) writes: > >In article <>, (Cisco's Buddy) writes... > > > >} He said, "I would like to make love to a beautiful woman." That's it. > > > >Correction (thanks to Karen van Hoek): > > > >"I would like to make love to a beautiful woman for whom I had a genuine > >affection." > > > >Not that this really changes anything in determining Coop's "requirements". Do you really see no difference? That's frightening. I'm sure Cooper has had any number of oppurtunities to make love to beautiful women. It's the second part that's so important. Of course, if he wasn't so damn virtuous he could fufill all his requirements easily enough.... -- | "Now what on earth does 'cream the butter' | mean? I'd better look it up. I hope it's in | this dictionary of Pictish and Proto-Saxon."