Subject: Sex in Twin Peaks (was Re: 1/19 episode (SPOILERS)) From: (Brett J. Vickers) Date: 1991-01-21, 00:11 Newsgroups: Reply-to: (Brett J. Vickers) () writes: > > By the way, was it my imagination or was there more sex in Twin > >Peaks this week than there has been at any time since Laura Palmer > >was alive? Methinks it's an attempt by the show to get better ratings. It might even work; I just hope they don't compromise the show's quality. --|"One who would guide a leader of men in the uses of life brett@ucippro.bitnet| Will warn him against the use of arms for conquest. | Even the finest arms are an instrument of evil: | An army's harvest is a waste of thorns." - _Tao Te Ching_