Subject: What happened the first 15 minutes of 1/19 episode? From: Date: 1991-01-21, 08:46 Newsgroups: I live in Iowa. This is my curse. The pinheads at the local ABC station here showed some meaningless college basketball game Saturday that, of course, went later than 9PM. And, instead of showing Twin Peaks in its entirety, they joined the show "already in progress." Well, as luck would have it, last weeks episode was pretty poor, and from what friends in Minneapolis tell me, I missed the only scenes worth seeing, (except for the very end.) I am told there was an interesting scene with Major Briggs. Could someone e-mail me a detailed description of what happened in the scene with Major Briggs, and if possible, give me a transcript of what he said? Thank you very much. Jeff Kouba Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Iowa INET: