Subject: Re: I figured it all out. **Spoilers from 1/19** From: (Bob Kelley) Date: 1991-01-23, 12:13 Newsgroups: Hogwash! Twin Peaks has reached a higher plain of excellence after the LP storyline. Instead of having a crowd of hip-sters out to catch the latest fad, we have moved to focused crowd of people who enjoy fine literature, philosophy, and intellect as well as visual, symbolic, and mythic reflection. I'm glad the chaff is outa here. Now we can return to excellence with out the continual wining of tv critics for instant gratification. Those with a 5 minute attention span, please watch Carol and Company. Those who wish to see fine television, we now have a top-notch show. (DL is still Ex. Producer. Do we have to say that he is the only one with a brain and that no others are capable of producing or directing fine television? Judge the product and don't worship people, or you'll wind up with dictators...)