Subject: Re: What ever happened to..... From: (Cisco's Buddy) Date: 1991-01-25, 23:00 Newsgroups: In article <>, writes... } Does anyone remember the crippled (??) child Laura was tutoring way } back when ???? (was it Ben Horne's son ???) Yes, it was Ben Horne's son. But he wasn't crippled, he was autistic. } Whatever happened to him ???? Who knows? } Could he be the dead guy at the chess board ?? Doubtful. The two are played by different actors (on the other hand, Johnny Horne was played by a different actor in the pilot than in the series). } It seems unusual that they would completely forget that character } (although we never did see him). Not unusual. They've forgotten other characters. Like Sylvia Horne (Ben's wife), Gersten Hayward (Donna's second sister), Harriet Hayward (Donna's first sister, who only showed up once after the pilot), Eileen Hayward (Donna's mother, who has shown up a few times, but is for all practical purposes forgotten). James' mother -- who he mentioned was back in town, but we haven't seen her yet. And Mr. Neff (the insurance agent), Mr. Wolchek (the high school principal), et alia. -- "My public will kill me for dying at a time like this." --- jayembee (Jerry Boyajian, DEC, "The Mill", Maynard, MA) UUCP: ...!decwrl!!boyajian ARPA: boyajian%ruby.DEC@DECWRL.DEC.COM