Subject: Re: 1/26/91 episode -- the llama scene From: (Patrick Hall) Date: 1991-01-29, 16:01 Newsgroups: Newsgroups: Subject: 1/26 episode Summary: Expires: References: Sender: Followup-To: Distribution: Organization: University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ Keywords: A few comments: -- The TV guide listing for the 2/2 episode here in Tucson says something like "Cooper tells the story of Wyndham Earle to Sheriff Truman; Catherine reveals something to an astonished Pete." Can anyone tell me if that describes the 1/26 episode? I hope so; I wouldn't mind being one week behind the rest of the country, (it's better than missing an episode) but I doubt that that's what will happen. --If indeed TV stations here and elsewhere are just planning to skip the 1/26 episode, could somebody post a summary of the plot of said episode INCLUDING A ^L OR LOTS OF BLANK LINES AT THE TOP PLEEEEASE!!! I've already learned more about the 1/26 episode than I would have liked. thanks in advance, pat