Subject: Re: Beginning of 1/19 episode From: (Ann Hodgins) Date: 1991-01-30, 11:08 Newsgroups: >> >>Major: Is this for my soul? Is this meant (he shakes and starts to wring >> >>his hands) for my soul? > > > >I've been wondering what Briggs meant by this statement. It seemed > >to me that he was still having a delusion (or that his consciousness was > >indeed in two places at on the throne, and one in the sherrif's > >office.) > > Lynn Schneider I've been wondering too. I hope we can get a discussion started. Like why did he keep grabbing his wedding ring finger? Was he grasping at the ring for comfort? Was he unconsciously trying to tear it off?! Remember the one-armed man's reference to a ring of gold? Significant? Maybe. Maybe not. My first reaction to his statement "Is this for my soul" was to see the major as a man who was realizing, for the first time, that Shamballa/The White Lodge could be a spiritual rather than a physical reality and that the conflict of the lodges could be for souls. But I'm not comfortable with that interpretation because although the major works in the very practical world of the army, and uses scientific tools to monitor heaven, he seems to also be quite spiritual/ religious. Surely he must have considered the possibility before. a.h.