Subject: Re: Shelly's vision of Leo From: (Jennifer Quirin) Date: 1991-01-31, 09:53 Newsgroups: I do not agree that Leo had BOB in him when we saw him awake with cake on his face...if the gifted and the damned see BOB with his real face, wouldn't Shelley qualify as DAMNED? (I would certainly agree). If this is the case, why wouldn't we have seen Leo with BOB superimposed? jen /=============================================================================\ |Jennifer Quirin student, Carnegie Mellon University | |quirin@{cs,ece,andrew} <= internet | |known_world!harvard!!jq07 <= uucp | |=============================================================================| |Opinions expressed herein are not CMU's, and are probably not even mine, | |since I am not really posting: I am hard at work as I am supposed to be. | \=============================================================================/