Subject: Re: AGH! 26 Jan episode From: (Brett J. Vickers) Date: 1991-02-01, 12:25 Newsgroups: Reply-to: (Brett J. Vickers) c2h5oh@ucscb.UCSC.EDU (Idealistic Bibliomystic) writes: > >I'm amazed that no one has mentioned Audrey and Cooper's fabulous > >nude scene. Man, was that hot! I didn't realize you could show > >full-frontal nudity on network t.v. Give me a break. You obviously could not have seen the 1/26 episode, or else you're lying your ass off. Nothing like this happened in the Twin Peaks I saw that night. Geez, talk about giving fuel to the people who think this episode was a hoax... --|"One who would guide a leader of men in the uses of life brett@ucippro.bitnet| Will warn him against the use of arms for conquest. | Even the finest arms are an instrument of evil: | An army's harvest is a waste of thorns." - _Tao Te Ching_