Subject: Re: AGH! Jan 26 episode From: bskendig@dry.Princeton.EDU (Brian Kendig) Date: 1991-02-01, 12:49 Newsgroups: In article <> writes: > >At the end of the "James Rescue" scene as they were riding off, wasn't > >James whistling the same tune (in a different key), that Cooper and > >Leland (as BOB) were singing/whistling ???? Not only was it in a different key, but it was in minor Dorian, too. That right there's proof enough that Jacoby will be the next person to die. Also, if you look *very* closely in the headlamp of the motorcycle right before it hits the camera, you can definitely see a woman's eye reflected in it. That's proof that Laura has a second cousin who looks almost exactly like Josie Packard. > >Could BOB be headed towards James ??? (There IS enough room inside there!!) No, he's already got Shelley. Remember the dream sequence that they had near the beginning of the episode, when Cooper had a vision of a dwarf taunting him on a Saturday-night comedy television show? Hope this clears things up. << Brian >> | Brian S. Kendig \ Macintosh | Engineering, | bskendig | | Computer Engineering |\ Thought | USS Enterprise | @phoenix.Princeton.EDU | Princeton University |_\ Police | -= NCC-1701-D =- | @PUCC.BITNET | "It's not that I don't have the work to *do* -- I don't do the work I *have*."