Subject: Re: Cross-dressers From: (Ann Hodgins) Date: 1991-02-01, 08:06 Newsgroups: Thanks for the following: ... > >If Denise is like my friend, then "relaxed" just means that the tension > >between feeling feminine and having to act masculine (including attire) > >is releaved when he can put on the dress and release those feelings. He > >may very well "put his panties on one leg at a time" and remain > >heterosexually oriented. Most cross-dressers are. > > > >By the way, I find the slash form of her name (Dennis/Denise) odd. If > >she wants to be thought of as a woman, she should be addressed as such > >and called by her name. It was only for that one mission that she chose > >to "pose" as Dennis. > >Just MHO, but a point of sensitivity for any who may meet transvestites > >(or transexuals).... Jeff Shaevel In my travels I've met some transexuals and transvestites too, and I feel strongly that it is courteous to address them by the name they chose. But I also defend my right to think of them privately as I see fit. In my own mind I don't perceive a feminine soul when I look at the character, in my mind I see Dennis in Denise and see no harm in talking of him that way, since he has no net access. But it is quite a moral point and quite an question of etiquette, how to discuss a non-existent person behind their non- back. a.h.