Subject: James Hurley (was Re: 2/2 episode) From: (Brett J. Vickers) Date: 1991-02-03, 13:14 Newsgroups: Reply-to: (Brett J. Vickers) (Juan F Lara) writes: > >5. James and the Marshes > > Who cares?!! James was REALLY unlikeable in this episode, acting like > > a self-righteous jerk without the common sense to get out when the get- > > ting's good. The problem now is more than James Marshall. I think James > > Hurley has to go altogether, and I'm sure there are others who agree. SPOILERS CONCERNING FUTURE OF TWIN PEAKS FOLLOW According to "Seventeen Magazine" (no, I don't read the trash, but my sister does), James Marshall aka James Hurley is going to be leaving the show soon to pursue a movie career. I can only assume this means they're going to kill him off somehow. Also, in the "next time on twin peaks" segment at the end of the 2/2 show, you can hear Donna saying, "Evelyn, don't let him die!" or something very similar. I assume she is referring to James. So, all you people who can't stand James (me included) will get your wish soon. I just hope they make his death interestingly gruesome. :) --|"One who would guide a leader of men in the uses of life brett@ucippro.bitnet| Will warn him against the use of arms for conquest. | Even the finest arms are an instrument of evil: | An army's harvest is a waste of thorns." - _Tao Te Ching_